Sunday, March 14, 2010

Google AdWords Day 4; Holy Crap it worked!

Ok, yesterday I had some down luck followed by finally getting my ads approved. That was a good feeling but not quite as good as the feeling I got when I checked today!

So, upon checking my account this afternoon I notice some pretty serious activity. Between all three of my ads I had received a grand total of 114 clicks! I honestly never really expected this kind of response.

Now, I understand that these numbers are not really amazing, but as far as this little experiment is concerned they're pretty impressive. The thing that makes it even more impressive is that I've also made approximately $20. I'm about $10 shy of making back my initial investment in less than 24 hours. Hopefully the sales will continue; should they keep up this pace I will definitely start some new campaigns.

There a part of me thinking about trying to advertise my blog in this fashion. Maybe that way I can actually start to generate some readers and invoke some discussions. Self promotion is not something I've ever been a big fan of, but hey, someone other than me should be reading these things too; right?

Ok, well that's all I have to report for now. Hopefully tomorrow will bring some more exciting news.

Heck, maybe tomorrow I'll be rich!

... don't worry, I'm still dreaming.

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