Saturday, March 13, 2010

Google AdWords Day 3; Shot down again

So we left off yesterday with the recreation of two ads and one that was seemingly high performance. Well, today everything has changed.

The two ads I resubmitted for approval came back disapproved again. Apparently I had some link issues that needed to be resolved. I took quick action, repaired the alleged problems, and then re-resubmitted the ads for approval. Hopefully these things will get approved soon so they can get out into circulation.

The third high performance ad had zero hits over the last 24 hours. That's a little less than exciting, but hey, it's the weekend and people probably have other things to do; right?

Well, all excuses aside, I don't really have any major news to report. I don't want to create any more campaigns until I can get the ones that I have moving. I hope that tomorrow I don't receive anymore rejection emails and that Google will finally decide that my ads are brilliant.

That seems likely doesn't it?


About 30 minutes after this posting all three ads got the re-approval and have already started to receive some clicks.

It looks like it's game time after all!

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